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Центр Грин Кард

ул. Октябрьская, 5, офис 108
Минск, Беларусь

тел. в офисе (017) 327-77-55

e-mail: info@greencard.by

полная контактная информация

Сейчас вы можете только читать. Чтобы что-то написать, зарегистрируйтесь или войдите со своим логином и паролем (если они у вас уже есть).
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Москва: примеры переводов
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Main Department of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs
of the Russian Federation
for the city of Moscow

No. 38, Petrovka str. Moscow, 127994
tel. (495) 694-97-23
fax. (495) 698-65-14


SERIES ___ No. __________ dated ____________ File No. ___________
is issued to ______________, Apt. ___, No. ___, ______ str., Moscow, Russia

The Main Informational and Analytical Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, Main
Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region have
no information on any criminal records regarding
date of birth: ____________,
place of birth: the city of__________, on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Additional information: N/A.

Zonal Information Center
Апельсиновый РАЙ))))
Большая просьба к модераторам) я тут решила выложить переводы кое каких документов, как примеры для "новичков" smile:-) ...но что то потом поняла что тема только о справках об отсутствии судимости...может "обзовете" темку как нибудь подругому? smile:-[ спасибо)))
Апельсиновый РАЙ))))

проверяйте все внимательно!!! Имена, даты и номера сертификатов!!! Выкладываю просто в пример...это переводы Российских документов, так что может быть в других государствах по другому!!!

The citizen имя
was born on дата рождения
(ninth of January two thousand and two - дата рождения латинскими прописью)
Place of birth: место рождения, город, республика, Russia
the entry whereof was made in the Register of Births on дата записи ребенка в дело under No. номер записи
Father: имя папы
ethnicity: национальность папы
Mother: мама
ethnicity: национальность мамы
Place of official registration: название отделения например Кировский или Таганский (Kirov or Taganskyi) Department of Civil Status Registration Office in the city of город
Date of issue: дата выдачи
Head of the Civil Status Registration Office branch (signature)
серия № номер
Апельсиновый РАЙ))))

The marriage between citizen ___________________ and citizen _______________________
Date of birth: дата рождения
Place of birth: место рождения
was dissolved on 28 March 2006 (twenty-eighth of March two thousand and six)
by order of название отделения где был расторгнут брак, например - (Kirovsky District Court №2) of город on дата
as recorded under № номер записи о расторжении in the divorce register on дата расторжения
Following the dissolution of their marriage, the parties have taken the following last names:
she Piksaeva
as registered in the отделение где было выдано свид, например - Nagatinsky Department of Civil Status Registration Office in the city of Moscow
Issued to citizen имя
Date of issue: дата выдачи
Head of the Civil Status Registration Office branch (signature)
серия № номер
Апельсиновый РАЙ))))

Citizen of Russia
Date of birth: дата рожд
Place of birth: место рожд
Citizen of Russia
Date of birth: дата рожд
Place of birth: место рожд
Entered into marriage дата заключения брака, например - 05.08.2010 (fifth of August two thousand and ten)
in witness whereof an entry under number номер записи was made in the Register of Marriages on 05 August 2010
The spouses took the following names in marriage:
husband: фамилия
wife: фамилия после регистрации
Place of official registration: место регистрации, название отделения Department of Civil Status Registration Office in the city of Moscow
Date of issue: дата выдачи
Head of the Civil Status Registration Office branch (signature)
серия № номер
(перевод печати!!!)
Official seal applied
SEAL:" НАЗВАНИЕ ОТДЕЛА ЗАГСА НАПРИМЕ - KIROV Department of Civil Status Registration Office in the city of Moscow. OGRN (Primary State Registration Number) номер ОГРН"
Апельсиновый РАЙ))))


This school-leaving certificate is given to ИМЯ that she (he), in 1998, graduated from secondary school of general education №НОМЕР ШКОЛЫ, НАЗВАНИЕ ОКРУГА-НАПРИМЕР ЮГО-ВОСТОЧНЫЙ - South-East district of Moscow.
Issued - 18 June 1998. ДАТА ВЫДАЧИ
Place – Moscow. МЕСТО ВЫДАЧИ
Number of certificate – СЕРИЯ № НОМЕР
Апельсиновый РАЙ))))
кто переводил?
Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fitted by nature to bear
моя подруга...преподаватель английского в МГУ smile;-) подойдет? а собственно к чему вопрос? smile:-D smile*pardon* можно было просто спасибо сказать если вам понадобилось smile:-[
Апельсиновый РАЙ))))
Валерия Чипенко пишет:
можно было просто спасибо сказать если вам понадобилось

Спасибо smile*thumbs_up* , мне не понадобилось, но а вдруг - может и понадобиться. По крайней мере лучше иметь такую информацию, чем потом судорожно ее искать.
Валерия Чипенко пишет:
можно было просто спасибо сказать если вам понадобилось

спасиБО smile:-)
хотя не понадобилось smile:-D
Валерия Чипенко пишет:
моя подруга...преподаватель английского в МГУподойдет? а собственно к чему вопрос?можно было просто спасибо сказать если вам понадобилось

ничего плохого не имел в ввиду, просто спросил.
Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fitted by nature to bear
товарищщи smile:-[ заканчивайте глумиться smile:-D я не напрашивалась на благодарности smile:-D !!!!!! ...не нужно мне спасибо, просто вспомнила как сама с бешеными глазами все это дело собирала...и решила помочь тем кому это понадобиться smile:-[ smile:-[ smile:-[ я от души, так сказать от чистого сердца, а не за "спасибо"...не издевайтеся плз smile:-[ smile:-[ smile:-[ а то я щас подпол провалюсь... smile*crazy*
Апельсиновый РАЙ))))
зря вы так - я ж от чистого сердца - даже и не думал глумиться smile*rose*
спасибо smile:-[
Апельсиновый РАЙ))))
Приветствую. Спасибо за примеры. Оооочень понадобились!!!
Final School Progress Record

Class _________General Educational

Subjects X Marks

Russian ***
Russian Literature ***
Algebra and Analysis Basics ***
Geometry ***
Computer Science ***
History of Russia ***
World History ***
Social science ***
Geography ***
Physics X ***
Chemistry ***
Biology ***
Foreign language (English) ***
Technology ***
Athletics ***
Life Safety Fundamentals ***
World Artistic Culture ***

Passed qualification examinations for profession___________________________
Received qualification (class, category)__________________________________
Besides that successfully completed facultative program_____________________

Principal: Signature X N.N.Biryukova

Stamp: Education Ministry of Russian Federation; Education and Science Ministry of Russian Federation; PSRN *************; Education Committee of municipal education “City of Maikop”; ITN **********; Municipal educational institution “Secondary School of General Education №7”

Issued on **/**/****

Is not valid without
Certificate of Secondary (Complete) General Education

to Certificate of Secondary (Complete) General Education
A № *******

Surname: Фамилия
Name: Имя
Patronymic name: Отчество
Date of birth: день/месяц/год рождения
Place of birth: city of Maykop of Republic of Adygeya


Certificate of Secondary (Complete) General Education

This is to certify that Фамилия Имя Отчество graduated from municipal educational institution “ Secondary School of General Education №7” of municipal education “City of Maikop” of Republic of Adygeya in the year **** and got secondary (complete) general education.

Principal: (signature) N.N. Biryukova

Stamp: Education Ministry of Russian Federation; Education and Science Ministry of Russian Federation; PSRN *************; Education Committee of municipal education “City of Maikop”; ITN **********; Municipal educational institution “Secondary School of General Education №7”

Issued on: June 27, ****
Number of certificate: A № *******
Certificate of Secondary (Complete) General Education

This is to certify that Фамилия Имя Отчество graduated from municipal educational institution “ Secondary School of General Education №7” of municipal education “City of Maikop” of Republic of Adygeya in the year **** and got secondary (complete) general education.

Principal: (signature) N.N. Biryukova

Stamp: Education Ministry of Russian Federation; Education and Science Ministry of Russian Federation; PSRN *************; Education Committee of municipal education “City of Maikop”; ITN **********; Municipal educational institution “Secondary School of General Education №7”

Issued on: June 27, ****
Number of certificate: A № *******
Based in 1841

Internal Structural Unit N 8620/00005
Adyghe Branch
Joint-Stock Company “Sberbank of Russia”


Joint-stock company “Sberbank of Russia” certifies that 07.02.2012 Имя Фамилия Отчество, passport of the Russian Federation citizen, Серия Номер, issued by Regional Department of Internal Affairs of Maykop city, Republic of Adygeya, code 012-001, Дата выдачи, subdivision code 012-001, has functional account:
at the internal structural unit N Номер подразделения банка Adyghe Branch of Joint-Stock Company “Sberbank of Russia” deposit “Universal for 5 Years” forward 5 years in currency – Russian Rouble, account N Номер счета, the balance of the account 520018 Roubles 57 (five hundred twenty thousand eighteen Roubles 57)

The reference is given To Whom It May Concern.

Call your attention that the given information according to the functional legislation is the bank privacy and can’t be disclosed.

Deputy manager of Internal structural unit N Номер отделения Банка
Adyghe Branch
Joint-Stock Company “Sberbank of Russia” ______________Zafesova Sulet Ramazanovna

Stamp: Joint-Stock Company “Sberbank of Russia” Moscow, Branch of Joint-Stock Company “Sberbank of Russia” Adyghe Branch in the city of Maykop of Republic of Adygeya №05.
Sberbank №8620

** *******

Family name: Фамилия
Name: Имя
Patronymic name: Отчество
Date, month, year of birth: Дата рождения
Personal signature:
Issued: Military Commissariat of city Maikop Republic of Adygeya
Date of issue: August 04, 2009

Military commissar

Page 1:
** ******* серия номер военника
I. General information
1. Place of birth: city of Maikop of Krasnodar region
2. Education: Adyghe State University of city of Maikop 2008
3. Basic civil speciality: economist-manager, driver
5. Marital status: never married

Page 2:
II. The relation to the military service
8. By draft commission of the Maikop Military commission of the republic of Adygeya is relieved of military induction. Included in the reserve of the Military Forces of Russian Federation.
Availability to the Military Service – B-
Military commissar – lieutenant- colonel - ____________(signature) city of Maikop
Date: дата когда сняли с военного учета

Page 5:
15. The conclusion of the military service: never served

Page 8:
20. Awarded rank: common soldier, awarded by Maikop Military Commission (order *** from **.**.*** ) приказ о снятии с учета

Page 9:
21. State rewards: doesn’t have

Page 10:
22. Wounds or contusions: doesn’t have

Page 11:
IV. Stay in reserve
23. The accountability category – *
24. The accountability group – РА
25. Category: soldiers
26. № of military occupational specialty: ***
Code of military occupational specialty, military rank and special characteristics: ******-*
27. Military rank and military qualification: car driver

Page 13:
V. Data of medical examinations and inoculations (date, preparation, doze)
29. According to diseases time-table (Russian Federation Decree год №***)
Дата is enlisted as meagerly available to military service
Military commissar – lieutenant- colonel - ____________(signature) city of Maikop Republic of Adygeya

Page 19:
31. Data of anthropometric measurements.
Height: ***
Head circumference: **
Gas-mask size:*
Uniform size: **-**
Shoes size: **

Page 21:
VIII. Admission for the military accounting and dismissal from military accounting.
Admitted: Military Commissariat of the city of Maikop of Republic of Adygeya.
Brought on charge on дата

Page 28:
Is informed about the military accounting duties of the citizen____________(signature of the owner of the military records book)
Date: **.**.****
Изменено: Geramaykop - 07.03.2012 10:40:20

The citizen Фамилия Имя Отчество was born on **.**.**,
Дата рождения прописью.

Place of birth: Maikop, Krasnodar region, RSFSR
the entry whereof was made in the Birth Register on ***, July ** under No ****

Father: Папа
Nationality: Russian
Mother: Мама
Nationality: Russian
Official Registration place: Department of Civil Status Registration Office in the city of Maikop of Krasnodar region
Date of issue: Дата
Head of the Civil Status Registration Office branch (signature)
***-*** №******
City of Maikop
State Educational Institution
of Higher Professional Education
“Adyghe State University”


*** *******

X According to the decision
of the State Examination Board

On **/**/****
Имя Отчество

is granted with qualification

“Economics and Company Management at Food Industry Organization”

Chairman of the State Examination Board Signature
Rector X Signature

Stamp: X
Federal Agency for Education
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
“Adyghe State University”
RNNBO 02079112

During the tuition period he/she has passed the following tests, intermediate and final examinations in the following subjects:
Subjects Total hours
Final mark

Adyghe Language

Computer Science
Economical Theory
Native History
Business Psychology
Concepts of Modern Natural Science
Information Systems in Economics
Foreign Language
Russian Language and Culture of Speech
Adyghe History and Culture
Business Foreign Language
Economics – Mathematics Models
Economics of Organization
Engineering Graphic
Basis of projecting and construction
Financial Mathematics
Business Accounting
Economics of Branch
Technological processes of Food Industry
Economic Valuation of Investments
Science of Law
Forecasting Activity in Economics
Organization and Fixing of Salaries
Contemporary Technologies of Industrial Branch
Financial Market
Information Systems in Economics
Economics and Sociology of Work
Production Planning in Branches of Enterprise
Taxes and Taxation
Economics of Immovable Property
Prices and Pricing
Planning at Enterprise
Marketing Research
Technologies of Primary Product Keeping
Basis of External Economic Activity
Financial Management
Law of Employment
Accounting and Analysis of Company Internal Economic Activity
Physical Training
World Economics
Regional Budget
Organization of Business Activity
Finances and Credit
Documents in Company Management
Regional Management
Standardization, Metrology and Certification
Safety of Life
Quality Management
Marketing and Innovative Company Activity
Crisis Management
Workshop Organization on Industrial Enterprise
Total hours
Including class hours
End of the document
Изменено: Geramaykop - 07.03.2012 10:39:56
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